Tutorial 1
Flexible Radio Access Beyond 5G: A Future Projection
Speaker: Huseyin Arslan
In this tutorial, we will discuss the potential directions to achieve further flexibility in RATs beyond 5G. In this context, a framework for developing flexible waveform, numerology, and frame design strategies will be discussed along with sample methods in this direction. We will also discuss their potential role to handle various issues in the upper system layers.
For the full tutorial information download the PDF here.
Tutorial 2
From Wireless Power Transfer to Wireless Powered Communications
Speaker: Ioannis Krikidis
This tutorial aims to familiarize the attendees with the new communication paradigm of wireless powered communications (WPC). Conventional energy-constrained wireless systems such as sensor networks are powered by batteries and have limited lifetime. Wireless power transfer is a promising technology for energy sustainable networks, where terminals can harvest energy from the ambient electromagnetic radiation through appropriate electronic circuits. Since radio signals carry both information and energy at the same time, a unified study on simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) is an emergent topic.
For the full tutorial information download the PDF here.
Tutorial 3
Biological Computing: Building Chips with Living Organisms
Speaker: Marcello Caleffi
Over the last twenty years, a huge number of algorithms trying to mimic biological processes have been proposed for solving hard computational problems. Nevertheless, these bio-inspired algorithms represent only the very first step toward the design of smart adaptive computing devices. In fact, they model only a limited set of the rules underlying the biological processes, thus, omitting fundamental functionalities. Moreover, they are executed on traditional computer architectures, thus, failing to achieve the intrinsic parallelism exhibited by biological processes. To overcome these issues, very recently researchers worldwide started to work on biological computing, a novel paradigm in which the traditional inorganic chips are replaced by living organisms.
Participants of this talk can obtain a wide view about biological computation and about the challenges arising in its development.
For the full tutorial information download the PDF here.
Tutorial 4
Wireless Coded Caching: A Paradigm Shift in Communications
Speaker: Petros Elia
This tutorial is about a new way of seeing caching, and it is about the recently discovered deep connections between memory/caching and the fundamentals of communication theory. The tutorial will about a new technology that – at first indications – has the potential to approach the longsought holy grail of wireless communications, which is to serve an ever increasing number of users, with a fixed amount of bandwidth resources. The material spans theory and practice, as well as spans the PHY-part of ICT and the networking part of ICT.
For the full tutorial information download the PDF here.